New Testament In A Year

The best way to grow your faith...

Reading and reflecing on Scripture will have a tremendous impact on your growth, no matter how long you have been a believer, even if you are not so sure you believe. In Scripture we encounter the character of God and the story of creation. We learn more about ourselves and we learn to make sense of the world around us with new eyes. Our reflection of Scripture is like watering a plant. It is a necessary part of our development and flourishing.

As important as reading and reflecting is, daily reading can seem daunting. Where should you start and how should you proceed? If you ever asked that question, I have good news for you. Lakeside NT24 reading plan will lay out the readings and we will provide challenge and motivation through the year. 

Follow along through the year...

Join your Lakeside family in this New Testament reading plan. Follow along each weekday of 2024 with readings and on weekends you get days to REST and REFLECT. REST days are meant to give you space to breathe and rest in God’s love. REFLECT days allow time to let the word dwell in you richly (Colossians 3:16) by spending time in prayer or thinking through the implications of the text and the Sunday message.

As you read consider trying the following:

- Underline or highlight keywords or phrases
- Circle words or phrases that you want to read more about
- Journal thoughts, reflections, or prayers

- Imagine yourself as a character in the story
- Read the chapter in different translations
- Ask, what does this tell me about God?
- Ask, what does this tell me about people?
- Ask, how can I respond to this reading?


View the Full Year Reading Plan Here

New Testament Plan  Bi-Fold for September-December (This can be folded and placed in a Bible)

New Testament Reading Bi-fold May-August Reading (This can be folded and placed in a Bible)

John Wesley the Founder of Methodism

O give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: Here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be homo unius libri (" a man of one book").

On Sunday Mornings
We have a church wide tracking visual to encourage us.

Each week upon entering worship we will have a bowl setup to place pebbles in. Everyone will be able to place:

One small colorful rock for every chapter you have read that week &
One gold glass bead if you read all of the chapters for the week

At the end of the year, you will paint a gray rock with your name after you have completed the New Testament