Come out Palm Sunday for a play with our tiniest actors from the Lakeside Children's Ministry, plus Sunday school lessons, and...
Right after worship we will have our annual egg hunt. Kids are invited to bring their basket and fine there place. There will be three egg hunt locations, separated by age levels, so all kids can have a great time.
Come experience the joy of the season. We remember the triumphal entry as the people shouted Hosanana and Jesus road into Jerusalem. We also get the joy of watching our children retell the story. PLUS EGG HUNT
10:30AM Worship - In the sanctuary
11:30 Egg Hunt - Outside in various locations
We remember the last supper and the institution of the Eucharist, or communion. We will pray, sing, and share in the meal that prefigures the second coming and the redemption of all things.
Nursery available for children 2 and under at all services except Sunrise Worship. Children (age 3 through 5th grade) and youth (6th through 12th grade) will attend Maundy Thursday service with their families.
This is a service of remeberance and repentance. Remembering that Jesus died for you and I we turn to the Passion Narrative, connecting the heartbreak of our rebellion and the power of God's love.
Join us for the celebration of the year. We worship with special music, communion, children's message, children's worship, and all the love of our comomunity. If you are looking for a neighborhodd church filled with welcoming love and caring support, come see us!